
How to handle emotional triggers

Emotional Trigger Defined

        The word trigger implies a change or an action is about to take place as a result of a stimulus. It could be the physical trigger on a weapon, or a mechanism that creates the momentum for another action, or the memory and experience of something bring about a dramatic response. The following is a brief example, and an exercise in fiction writing for me.

“Hey, looks like you are Jack’s new neighbor?”

She didn’t hear him through the headphones. She was still strained by the physical exertion from her 10-mile run. As she turned off the music, she tried to make out what the guy was saying. He was standing in the open doorway across from her apartment extending his right hand.

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Cecilia Ding The Self Growth Coach

Don’t let fear rule us

I notice we hurt each other with our fear so much.

The husband who snaps at the wife for making an innocent mistake about what he was going to do–his fear from the weight of past unjust expectations makes him yell at her “why did you say that? Would you say something I am not going to do?”

The dad who flinches every time her daughter did something he fears would offend others, making her sad once again of not winning his approval.

The mother who becomes impatient with her baby, fearful of what potential negative reactions she would be receiving from the men she had to negotiate with.

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